Tuesday, 6 July 2010

Water Sculptures in Sydney

They speak for themselves. Beautiful to look at and you see something different every time you do look. Fascinating!

Australia's foremost sculptor, Stephen Walker, was born in Victoria in 1927 and now lives in Tasmania. He has a strong empathy and affection for Australian wildlife, and has designed medals including the Serventy Conservation medal and the Joseph Banks Memorial Lecture medal for the Royal Society of Tasmania. He is known for excellence in design.

Walker's other works include a fountain at the Macquarie University Sculpture Park, a sculpture of fauna at the Reserve Bank in Hobart, a fountain in Alfred Street, Sydney and a sculpture in the foyer of the Menzies Centre for Population Health Research, Hobart.

Children's fountain, Herald Square, Alfred Street. Dedicated to all the children who played along the banks of the Tank Stream.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hi, new to the site, thanks.