Plan of Canberra

Floating Figure - Gaston Lachaise

Eustache de Saint Pierre(from the Burghers of Calais-cast 1984) - Auguste Rodin

Fog Sculpture 1976, Fujiko Nakaya

Tapestry by Valerie Kirk. One of three from a commission.

A day trip to Canberra to meet my lovely friends Nancy and Marli and Nancy's brother and partner.

'Jubilee Tapestries'
These beautiful tapestries are by Textile Artist, Valerie Kirk, a Scottish born emigrant to Canberra, Australia. She is Head of Textiles at ANU, Art School, Canberra. Her website address:

- Professor Frank Fenner, Work with small pox and myxomatosis, 2006
- Woven tapestry, cotton warp and wool weft
- Photo: Valerie Kirk

'She traces memories, complexities, losses, adaptive challenges and rewards inherent in migration and the construction of self identity. The journey of acculturation into Australian society creatively addressing the hybrid state, a double vision looking forward and looking back is explored in woven tapestry, digital prints and drawings on slate." Jill Kinnear

'In 2004 I was commissioned to design and weave three tapestries to celebrate Nobel Prizes associated with the Australian National University. In 2006 an additional tapestry celebrating the work of Professor Frank Fenner was also commissioned. The tapestries hang at University House, ANU, ACTON, CANBERRA, ACT.' Valerie Kirk

- Sir John Carew Eccles, Discoveries concerning the ionic mechanisms involved in excitation and inhibition in the peripheral and central portions of the nerve cell membrane, 2006
- Woven tapestry, cotton warp and wool weft
- Photo: Valerie Kirk

Bert Flugelman '

The Pukamani burial poles

Sculpture Garden Restaurant
Set in a pavilion on the edge of a tranquil reed pond with enchanting views of the Japanese fog sculpture the Sculpture Garden Restaurant is available for hire for wedding receptions, corporate dinners and lunches and cocktail parties. Lovely food:-).

Dadang Christanto
Heads from the North, 2004
installation, 66 bronze heads

My gorgeous and talented Artist friend Nancy Tingey. Well worth the trip just for the hug :-))

NGA Restaurant, Canberra

Mitch, Marli & Nancy