Tuesday, 8 March 2011

Carcassonne Carnivale

Carcassonne's first Carnivale for ten years!
Mon Dieu!! So rude!! :-O
Clown & the devil but they look so cute!
Napoleon lives! In Carcassonne? :-) complete with horse!!
This one has escaped from the Limoux carnivale.
Blood everywhere but your hands, accompanied by your lovely assistant!
Lotto Man

These ones have escaped from Venice!

Mr & Mrs Grump

Must be on the 'Grand Tour'!

What a cutie!

Even a mask didn't stop us recognising this gentleman. A regular at Chez Felix ;-).
Pretty Butterfly with ...
...her equally pretty flower person

Great music.
Weird masks.

Yes, we can see you blowing your own trumpet:-)
This was one of my favourite characters...great chapeau.

Great reflection!

Obviously two masks for the price of one.
He looks happier now Mrs Grump has gone!
Loved these costumes too.
Brilliant and very brave.

Glass of chardonnay? Mmm...I don't think so.
Confetti everywhere and I mean everywhere. Still finding it in the house.
Lovely darling...hope the bride didn't mind!
Puuurrfect pair!
Napoleon off to Chez Felix for a quick Brandy...Napoleon of course :-)).

Large photos of the Carnival ten years ago.

Lazy Sunny Days

An abandoned building in Carcassonne taken over by numerous cats. The ledges obviously great for sunbathing. Happy cat-napping!