Saturday, 1 January 2011

New Year's Eve with Friends

Table set for New Year's Eve dinner with Friends.

Bonne Année a tous!


OOps!! Eric you seem to be half cut! And the night is yet young!!

A very small portion left (all gone now!) of the Pear Amaretto Cheesecake I made. It was quite delicious, even tho I say so myself:-). Will definitely make it again.

The lights of Carcasonne.

Thursday, 30 December 2010


We looked after the lovely Megan for our friends who live in the Montagne Noir whilst they went on holiday for 10 days. She was a delight to look after.
So cute!

Intellectual Megan!

Megan contemplating her first parachute jump!

She loved to snuggle in and watch a bit of telly!

Trip to NZ

In February & March of this year, Mike and I visited my relatives in NZ. We attended two family weddings and saw as much of the North island as possible. Still lots to see and the South Island on our list for another visit someday! We had a fabulous time. Weather was terrific and the scenery breathtaking. I took hundreds of photos and too time consuming to sort out properly so I have just put a selection of the two weddings and some of the wonderful places we visited. The picture above is of my lovely Aunt Iris who emigrated in 1963 - she and Uncle Jack were the ones who started it all off. Beside her is daughter Julie, my gorgeous cousin . She got married to Keith on March 6th. See pics below.
You've been framed!

It was quite scary! Even tho it was plastic!

Coramandel green lipped mussels - delicious!

And we have lift off!!

A map of the walk around Mount Maunganui. We did it and right to the top!!
Mount Maunganui

Bay of Islands looking for Dolphinss.

Trying to go though the hole in the rock but it was too dangerous. So we just had to take pictures instead.
The grave of Hannah King Letheridge, said to be the first white woman to be born in NZ in January 1816 -died April 1907, aged 91!

Caught on camera as we speeded past. It was a metal sculpture of a Ram. Looked amazing against the setting sun. Even more amazing I got the image and more or less in focus. My cousin's husband was impressed!!
Yes! These sheep are a real!! dyed very deep shade of Pink...I know they look red but they were pink!

The proverbial 'Cat on the mat'...or to be exact 'the red carpet'...waiting for the Bride & Groom to arrive. The first family wedding we attended on February 6th. My cousin Judith and husband Stewart's Son Christopher married fiancee Claire.

Hannah- one of the pretty bridesmaids.
An idyllic setting for the wedding.

One of the many flower arrangements by my very talented cousin Judith. Mother of the Groom.

A quiet moment!
Liked it so much I put it in twice- my excuse anyway!

Uncle Eric with Gypsy.

Table decorations were also made by Judith.

Happy Families.

The next best thing when you don't have a hankerchief handy!!
More green lipped mussels...Yum!!

The cake...also made & decorated by Judith.

Julie, Keith & Mike.

NZ Family.

The first family get together for 5 yrs!

Barry Bricknell's amazing train journey.

Yes, you have to eat it with those sticks, Mike!

'Hot Water beach'...amazing. You dig a hole and up comes lovely hot water to sit in!

We didn't have a spade!

The oldest Kauri tree...enormous!

To big to get it all in...that's the top!! As if I need to tell you that!

Just loved the colours.

Sun setting in Maunganui.

Julie & Keith's wedding day, March 6th. Our second family wedding in NZ.

Pretending it's ours! Fat chance!
Happy couple.

Keith's parents garden. Beautifully looked after.

With my two gorgeous cousins - Julie & Judith.


A dog with style. He took his jacket off because it was too hot!!

A cool dude! Keith's Grandson.

The wedding cake...also decorated by Judith.

Keith changing a light bulb with sunglasses on! As you do! Good job 'The elf & safety man wasn't there!

Yes! We did see Dolphins in the Bay of Islands..a fabulous sight

It's that hole in the rock again!